palm branch中文什么意思

发音:   用"palm branch"造句
  • palm:    n. 1.棕榈(树)。 2. 棕榈枝 ...
  • branch:    n. 1.(树)枝〔泛指大枝或小枝; ...
  • palm:    n. 1.手掌,手心;掌尺〔以手掌的 ...
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  1. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands
  2. " it will be accomplished before his time , and his palm branch will not be green
    伯15 : 32他的日期未到之先这事必成就、他的枝子不得青绿。
  3. Then jehovah cuts off from israel head and tail , palm branch and marsh reed in one day
  4. There will be no work for egypt which its head or tail , its palm branch or bulrush , may do
    赛19 : 15埃及中、无论是头与尾、棕枝与芦苇、所作之工、都不成就。
  5. So the lord cuts off head and tail from israel , both palm branch and bulrush in a single day
    赛9 : 14因此、耶和华一日之间、必从以色列中剪除头与尾、棕枝与芦苇。


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